She is proficient in Medical Retina, Surgical Retina, ROP Screening, Intra Vitreal Injections. Apart from Cataract her specialty includes Dacryocystorhinostomy & Lid Surgeries.
Good clinical exposure to a variety of cases and gained
knowledge from discussions with the esteemed faculty of
Aravind Eye Hospital from Coimbatore, Madurai and Salem. Well trained in surgical procedures like Retinal Detachment
Surgery, Scleral Buck- ling, Membrane Peeling, Scleral Fixated
IOLs, Pterygium Excision with Autograft, Dacrocystectomy,
Dacrocystorhiniostomy, Entropion Correction, Tarsorraphy.
Expo- sure to more than 1000 cases of Screening of
Retinopathy of Prematurity, Dacrocys- tectomy and 5714 cases
of Small Incision Cataract Surgery. Performed over 1000
LASER procedures and Intravitreal Injections.